Friday, January 20, 2012

Hello, Im sorry for taking so long to get back to you all. Im not a big fan of blogging. I like the group work better so we can communicate faster and work on it together at the same time vs over computer. I am only able to get on at certain times due to my schedule being so busy between work, school and internship. Ok..I like the idea for students to pick their own locations but due to the vast amount of information, i think that a class should be divied into groups to work on different cities within their county. For example, divide a class into groups of 4 and allow them to choose the local history of Kalamazoo, MI. For our topic I think we should choose a city just because of the vast amount of information. I like the idea of the daily logs to montor the students progress and work. This can help teachers to see if they are able to judge websites (true information vs. false information). I like the history museam idea and the timeline idea. Other types of technology that can be incorporated in the project are monitors, projectors (to show presentations/slides), camcorders to tape a video, laptops, microphones to be able to commmunicate with one another/record statements.

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