Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ok I think I figure out how to organize side bar. How do you guys want to organize it. 1. Easy ways to bring PBL into classroom 2. PBL in Action 3. Lesson Plans 4. Local History of Kalamazoo Unit 5. Standards 6. digital Stories 7. Podcast 8. Safe websurfing 9. links ...this is how I was going to arrange them but wasn't so sure.


  1. 1. standards
    2. easy Ways
    3. PBL in action
    4.Safe Web Surfing
    5.Local Hitosry
    6. Lesson Plans
    7. digital stories
    8. podcast

    I think we should keep like things together... alll the info on how first.. then our stuff, then other stuff (links) but standards has to go first.

  2. I watched your new podcast on the buildings! Really liked it!
